Space Anchoring

Space Anchoring is a sacred ceremony service provided for those who are looking to energetically clear and reset their space such as a room, home, business, or garden. Working with a specific intention or set of intentions, Space Anchoring refocuses and welcomes in the flow of supporting energies. I work directly in partnership with my divine team and yours to ground the intention to support your space. Your participation will be required and each experience is custom tailored.

Below is an example of what the process may involve:

First be clear on the desired intention. Prepare any personal items, crystals, stones, etc that you would like to integrate into the space.

Tools such as sound bowls, chimes, candles, sage, and palo santo may be used.
1. Space clearing
2. Calling in the desired energies
3. Set and seal

Any messages received during ceremony will be shared. Self maintenance will be recommended and you are invited to share your experience as well.

Additional options

  • Alter building, placement and guidance specific to your intentions

  • Cleansing and energy setting maintenance


Starts at $400


Why don’t I offer just space clearing alone?
Energy is everywhere. Although the intention can be set to clear and transmute, this leaves your space “empty”. Energies that are both yours and not yours, may chose to occupy the cleared space. This is why intentions are important to set after a clearing.

Can I learn to do this on my own?
Yes. Please email me your interest and I’ll notify you as soon as a class comes up.